Date of birth : 1936

Place of birth : Esfahan , IRAN

Education :

1953 entered into Esfahan school of fine arts . after 6 years of studying in nature painting , he was graduated .

Teachers and coaches :

Master of art Essa Bahadori , Mr. Moayyeri and Master Abbas Ali Poorsafa

Employment history :

Employee of the department of education .

Title : teacher and instructor majoring in art

End of employment :

Year 1990 retired

Place of service ( work ) :

Schools of arts and technical schools , high schools and institute of teacher training

Travel to abroad :

1970 travel to England for 2 years <<Kins College Of London >>

Purpose :

2 years training and learning water color painting , setting up shows and exhibitions around the world

After 2 years he came back to Iran and in his private photo lab , busy working on his artistic work and training students of arts

